  • Therapie der Zukunft: we fight your cancer

“This treatment has given me back my life.”

"This treatment has given me back my life."

Success story after 3 sessions of radioligand PSMA therapy with 1x Actinium-225 & 2x Lutetium-177

Sean Kenny was first diagnosed with prostate cancer in December 2020, when he just turned 51 y.o. Before landing in our clinic, he had undergone multiple treatments, including 6x Docetaxel, antihormonal therapy, immunotherapy and cryotherapy. He chose to pause ADT due to side effects but had to re-induct antihormonal therapy with Firmagon and Apalutamide mid-2023. The cancer was still progressing with an increasing bone involvement. Despite PSA response, pain and PSMA expression persisted. He was put on morphine medication for pain relief. His left hip was so badly damaged that it had to be replaced. After 3 years of back-and-forth Sean opted for PSMA targeted radioligand therapy (RLT) and experienced a remarkable recovery following just one 3-session cycle. Due to heavy bone infiltration, we recommended the first session be done with Actinium-225 and the two remaining - with Lutetium-177. Judge for yourself.


PSMA PET/CT December 2023

PSA 2 ng/ml after re-induction antihormonal and ARPI treatment. St.p. hip replacement to the left previously. Still high PSMA expressing bone metastases and pain under morphine medication.


PSMA PET/CT April 2024

After 1x 225Ac and 2x 177Lu PSMA ligand therapy sessions from December 2023 to March 2024.

PSA 0,18 ng/ml. Minimal residual activity in the known bone lesions, most likely apoptotic cells. ALP down from 570U/l to 180U/l (norm <150).

Sean experienced pain relief 10 days after the 1st RLT session with Actinium-225 PSMA and was able to get off the morphine medication. Hemoglobin and kidney values normalized after the 2nd RLT session with Lutetium-177 PSMA. The only side effect he experienced was short-term mild nausea and mild fatigue after the treatment. At the time-point of the control PSMA PET/CT, these symptoms were gone. Sean reports general well-being and regained strength.

Here is the story in his own words:

"My story started back in December of 2020 when I was told that I had advanced prostate cancer, which had spread to my lymphatic system. This was picked up with a routine blood test when I turned 50 years of age and when they included the PSA as a blood marker. I did not have any obvious symptoms at the time and in fact I was still running 7-minute miles and was very active.

I was put on hormone treatment in January of 2021 after I came back from the Royal Marsden hospital in the UK where I got a PSMA scan (I could not get a scan in Ireland for 9 months). Later in 2021 I started a course of 6 x Chemo (Docetaxel) and then 4 weeks of RT. In early 2022 I came off the hormone treatment due to side effects (my PSA has gone to a very low figure). I got my life back again as I regained my energy, and my fatigue was a lot less.

Then in early 2023 my PSA started to slowly rise again, so we looked into travelling to the US to undergo immunotherapy and cryotherapy at a clinic. While waiting for this clinic to admit me I developed an intermittent pain in my left leg which I relayed to my oncologist during an outpatient visit. After immediate X-rays of my leg, I was told that I had an impending fracture of my femur and needed an emergency hip replacement (my pelvic bone was also diseased). My hip was replaced 2 days later, and when I was strong enough again, I went to America to undergo this procedure in the hope that it would put me into remission again. Unfortunately, this operation was not successful, and within a month of coming home the pain I was suffering in my leg area was unbearable due to the metastasis in my pelvic area. I was put straight back on hormone treatment again and was told that I would be also receiving RT again.

My good Wife Brid had been in touch with the American clinic looking to see if there were other options available. This was then when I was referred to Prof Hartenbach and the rest as they say is history. I’m off all pain medication and with the hopes of coming off both my hormone treatments in the near future. From there it will be active surveillance and fingers crossed, but certainly this treatment has given me back my life. 

Thank you, Prof. Hartenbach and team."