Опережая время, короче лечение, дольше жизнь.
Добро пожаловать в в тераностический центр Molecular Internal NUclide ThErapy (MINUTEmedical) в Вене. Мы предлагаем полный спектр всех доступных в настоящее время методов внутренней молекулярной радиолигандной терапии и диагностики на высочайшем профессиональном и научном уровне.
Радионуклидная терапия лигандами, меченными лютецием-177 [177Lu] или актинием-225 [225Ac], представляет собой направленную лучевую терапию на молекулярном уровне. Она использует ферменты или рецепторы на поверхности раковых клеток, присущие определенным типам рака, для доставки радиофармпрепаратов и уничтожения опухоли и метастазов с минимальным повреждением окружающих здоровых тканей. В диагностике используется другой, безвредный, излучатель, галлий-68 или [68Ga], который буквально «подсвечивает» и дает возможность увидеть раковые клетки на ПЭТ/КТ-сканере. В этом и заключается концепция тераностики: использование одних и тех же специфических рецепторов в раковых клетках в качестве док-станции для доставки целевого излучения как для терапии, так и для диагностики. «Найти и обезвредить.»
Спектр терапевтических услуг
Спектр диагностических услуг
Мы производим радиолиганды в нашей собственной лаборатории индивидуально для каждого пациента в соответствии с его конкретными медицинскими потребностями, что обеспечивает наилучший и незамедлительный уход и бесперебойное снабжение. Благодаря тысячам проведенных радиолигандных процедур наша команда обладает действительно обширнейшим опытом.
В сердце одного из самых красивых городов мира мы позаботимся о Вас по индивидуально подобранной программе с учетом Ваших потребностей в обстановке абсолютной конфиденциальности. Это означает, что, с одной стороны, Вы получите очень специфическую, персонализированную терапию против Вашей опухоли, но потратите минимальное время. В результате Вы столкнетесь лишь с минимальными ограничениями в Ваших деловых буднях.
Наши услуги гарантируют Вам индивидуальность и конфиденциальность от прибытия, в течение всей терапии и до отъезда. Индивидуальный подход, гарантированный как до, так и после Вашего пребывания у нас, сопровождается последними лабораторными технологиями и новейшими научными знаниями нашей команды. MINUTE medical - Ваш прямой доступ к новейшей медицине и находится в Вашем личном распоряжении. На этом сайте и в личной беседе Вы можете узнать, если Вам подойдёт один из этих высокоспецифичных индивидуальных методов лечения.
"Hereby I would like to announce to the world that the small private clinic Minute Medical in Vienna led by Professor Markus Hartenbach, an expert in Nuclear Medicine, is nothing but a giant in helping people in need of medical attention, proving the success of day-to-day practical application of the results of the latest cutting edge scientific medical research.
I had three Lutetium therapies in a row with a month between them. Each treatment took 15 minutes and a pleasant end educational conversation with Prof. Hartenbach regarding my health situation and the outlooks I may have. I have not experienced any side effects whatsoever then and since. After finishing the treatment, I had a repeated PSMA PET Scan that showed the complete remission of the cancer."
This is an abridged version. Read the full story here.
Dr. Sandor Z. Ambrus
Prof. Markus Hartenbach has great experience and a great clinic. The concern and care with patients has been unsurpassable. The treatment with Lutetium was very successful and I am very grateful.
Vitor Constancio
Dr. Hartenbach, his team and treatment literally made a life and death difference. My prostate cancer had spread quickly after a failed immunotherapy. PSA had risen from 60 to 288. Kidney function had been compromised due to lymph involvement.Following the first treatment PSA had dropped to 7 and kidney function bounced back. Following the 3rd, PSA had gone below 1. Dr. Hartenbach has been involved with Theranostics for over a decade. I trust his deep knowledge and caring individualized approach. A heartfelt thanks to everyone at Minute Medical!
Keith McIntosh
"My story began in December 2014 when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer (PC). It was identified as “intermediate risk”. I chose not to have surgery and decided to do watchful waiting. I also wanted to stay away from hormone therapy. After another MRI that showed that the PC was very near the seminal vesicles, I engaged a doctor in Fort Lauderdale, Florida to help me with treatment. He treated the PC with focal cryoablation, and my PSA went from 9 to 0.6. This was done in October 2017. The PSA stayed there for about 2 years before it began to gradually move up. After I did not respond to the immune therapy, we pursued the 177Lu-PSMA treatment with Dr. Hartenbach. My PSA was about 48 in the fall of 2021. This time, the results of the treatment and scan were remarkable. The PSMA scan was clear, and the report said I had a “complete response” to the therapy – my PSA is now 0.1. This couldn’t have been a better result and I was so grateful and blessed to have been working with Dr. Hartenbach and his staff. I am praying for a long - term remission.
Thanks again for Dr. Hartenbach and all his staff."
This is an abridged version. Read the full story here.
William Daly
"My story started back in December of 2020 when I was told that I had advanced prostate cancer, which had spread to my lymphatic system. This was picked up with a routine blood test when I turned 50 years of age and when they included the PSA as a blood marker. I did not have any obvious symptoms at the time and in fact I was still running 7-minute miles and was very active. I was put on hormone treatment in January of 2021 after I came back from the Royal Marsden hospital in the UK where I got a PSMA scan (I could not get a scan in Ireland for 9 months). Later in 2021 I started a course of 6 x Chemo (Docetaxel) and then 4 weeks of RT. ... Then in early 2023 my PSA started to slowly rise again, so we looked into travelling to the US to undergo immunotherapy and cryotherapy at a clinic. While waiting for this clinic to admit me I developed an intermittent pain in my left leg which I relayed to my oncologist during an outpatient visit. After immediate X-rays of my leg, I was told that I had an impending fracture of my femur and needed an emergency hip replacement (my pelvic bone was also diseased). My hip was replaced 2 days later, and when I was strong enough again, I went to America to undergo this procedure... . Unfortunately, this operation was not successful, and within a month of coming home the pain I was suffering in my leg area was unbearable due to the metastasis in my pelvic area. I was put straight back on hormone treatment again. ... This was then when I was referred to Prof Hartenbach and the rest as they say is history. I’m off all pain medication and with the hopes of coming off both my hormone treatments in the near future. From there it will be active surveillance and fingers crossed, but certainly this treatment has given me back my life.
Thank you, Prof Hartenbach and team."
This is an abridged version. Read the full story here.
Sean Kenny
Minute Medical, particularly Dr. Markus and his team, provided exceptional care for my father. His PSA levels, initially at 410, consistently decreased by 50% with each treatment. Moreover, his overall quality of life improved significantly, with minimal to no side effects. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Markus and his dedicated team for their outstanding efforts. They have always been easily accessible and willing to address any concerns. Thanks a million for everything!
Quinny Robbie